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Investor Presentaiton

INTRASTATE FUNDING FORMULA COST SHARING/FEE FOR SERVICE (FFS) Section 315(a) of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, permits cost sharing/fee for service. Virginia has implemented cost sharing/fee for all services permitted to cost share or charge fees under the OAA. AAAS use the most current Federal Poverty/DARS Sliding Fee Scale to determine client fees for all ser- vices except: OAA Care Coordination, Information and Assistance, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, Public Information and Education, Legal Assistance, Elder Abuse, and Ombudsman. AAAs may request a waiver to not implement Cost Sharing/Fee for Older Americans Act services if it can adequately demonstrate: · • That a significant proportion of persons receiving services subject to cost sharing in the planning and service area have incomes below the threshold established in state policy; or That cost sharing would be an unreasonable administrative or financial burden upon the AAA. LONG-TERM CARE (LTC) OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM Virginia's AAAs operate local Ombudsman programs. Two or more AAAS may operate a joint program provided the AAAs are adjacent to each other. A base of $15,000 has been established when an AAA operates a single Ombudsman program. A base of $25,000 has been established when two or more AAAs operate a joint program. The remainder of Title VII-Chapter 2 Ombudsman funds, along with the state funds, are distributed in proportion to the number of licensed nursing facility beds, licensed assisted living facility beds, and li- censed geriatric mental health beds located in each PSA. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) maintains the number of nursing facility beds, the Virginia De- partment of Social Services (VDSS) maintains the number of assisted living facility beds, and the Virgin- ia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) maintains the number of state mental health facility beds. The number of beds in each PSA is updated annually for the next fiscal year based on the most recent available data when the new area plan year's proposed funding alloca- tions are prepared. 79
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