FY2023 Financial Forecasts slide image

FY2023 Financial Forecasts

(Ref.) Analysis of Consolidated Operating Income (3 months) TOYOTA (billions of yen) Excluding the overall impact of foreign exchange rates and swap valuation gains/losses, etc: -350.0 689.8 +165.0 -195.0 Effects of FOREX Cost Reduction Efforts -15.0 Effects of Marketing Activities *2 Rates *1 Which includes: Soaring materials prices -275.0 Cost Reduction +80.0 -140.0 Increase or Decrease in Expenses and Expense Reduction Efforts *3 -40.9 Other *4 '21.1-3 106 yen/US$ *1 Details 128 yen/€ Transactional (Imports/Exports) - US $ - € - Other Operating Income: -225.9 463.8 '22.1-3 116 yen/US$ 130 yen/€ +150.0 Translational FOREX Impact Concerning Overseas Subsidiaries *2 Details Volume, Model Mix *3 Details *4 Details -180.0 Labor Cost -50.0 Valuation Gains / Losses from Swaps, etc. -40.9 +20.0 +115.0 ±0.0 Other Financial Services -5.0 Other -5.0 +170.0 Depreciation Expenses -30.0 R&D Expenses -15.0 (Translational FOREX Impact of Fiscal +35.0 Year-end Balance of Provisions in Foreign Currencies, etc.) Expenses, etc. -45.0 20
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