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Investor Presentaiton

Key Transaction Terms HPP Volta Grande enel ☐ On September 27th, the Brazilian power regulator auctioned 4 hydropower plants (Sao Simao; Jaguara, Miranda and Volta Grande) owned by CEMIG Enel Américas, through its subsidiary Enel Brasil, was awarded the concession to operate Volta Grande hydro-power plant (380 MW) for a 30-year period The tender amounted BRL 1,419 Mn (US$ -445) to be paid on November 30th The Company is expected to take over the facility in January 2018 ☐ Enel hydro capacity in the country will increase to 1,270 MW from the current 890 MW ☐ Enel Américas gets substantial opportunity of value. creation due to potential synergies with the Cachoeira Dourada operation ☐ Attractive implied return based on a more disciplined offer strategy with a limited premium in price. Potential upside connected to the economy recovery ☐ Accretive acquisition with strong cash flow that will deliver immediate value to the Company ☐ Opportunity to grow in the free market in line with the targets announced in the Company's Strategic Plan The Company increases by 42% its hydro capacity in the country 3
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