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Investor Presentaiton

Administrative Expenses (2/2) Standalone Results Rs in mln Description Var % 9M'19 9M'18 Legal and professional charges 162 289 44% Outsourced service costs including sales commission 2,509 2,349 -7% Banking service charges 1,122 831 -35% Cash transportation and sorting charges 612 724 15% Depreciation 985 881 -12% Stationery and printing 448 462 3% Marketing, advertisement and publicity 610 465 -31% Insurance (including deposit protection) 1,073 352 -205% Donations 97 82 -18% Others 958 1,097 13% Other operating expenses 8,576 7,531 -14% Domestic Total 24,249 22,704 -7% International Total 4,995 5,452 8% Bank Total 29,244 28,156 -4% International Total - USD in '000 33,684 45,835 27% Cost to Income Ratio 46.6% 45.9% 0.7% UBL Performance Overview - 9M 2019 29
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