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International Presence and Activities

VUB - THINKING GREEN In 2020, VUB has become the first bank in Slovakia to declare its commitment to support sustainability and environmental protection by publishing its GREEN MANIFESTO means more significant involvement of VUB Bank and its VUB Foundation in order to support the development of the green economy and the protection of biodiversity which is also based on the strategy of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, of which VUB is a part. As a strategic partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, ISP banking group is one of the world's leaders in financing new business models that support the global transition to a circular economy. VUB declares its green promise towards to: Clients.... VUB want to improve and develop its primary business so that VUB is a motivation and support for its clients in their efforts to act ecologically and so that together we can repaint the economy green ā†’ Its own standards, suppliers and employees... VUB want to change internally and instill enviro principles even more significantly into the core of our processes and the work of our entire team Whole Slovak society... VUB want to further support the non-governmental sector, which is involved in projects co- creating a greener world. VUB does not want to stick only to symbolic steps and words. We are convinced that our planet - our future, needs above all our hearts and actions. We believe that in the coming years, which the world's scientific capacities define as crucial, we will be able to achieve what we have set out to do. And we believe that we will inspire you - our clients, employees, suppliers and partners - for this joint initiative. We are VUB. The first bank to elevate sustainability and environmental protection to the DNA of its business. A bank that has publicly signed up to the Green Manifesto. 32
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