G20 Development Working Group Submissions
COMMITMENT 26: Encourage
all countries and companies
to uphold the Principles for
Responsible Agricultural
1 2 3 4 5 6
(1) G20 support for the PRAI and consultation at the
CFS - At their summits in 2011 and 2012, the G20
Leaders encouraged all countries to support the
PRAI to ensure sustained investment in agriculture.
As the result of growing attention to responsible
agricultural investment, a broad and inclusive
consultation on the PRAI was launched in October
2012 in the context of food security and nutrition
within the CFS framework, building on the Voluntary
Guidelines and taking into account the PRAI.
(2) Action taken by IOs -The Inter-Agency Working
Group (IAWG, i.e. the FAO, IFAD, UNCTAD and the
World Bank) on Responsible Agricultural Investment
(RAI) produced a report entitled "Options for
promoting responsible investment in agriculture”
and submitted it to the DWG in June 2011. It also
included an action plan to be implemented by the
IAWG, as well as G20 members. The Plan includes
a "twin track" approach as follows:
Track 1 consists of research on the impacts
of agricultural investments and retrospective
field-testing of the PRAI in selected developing
countries in Africa and South East Asia to further
refine and produce more operational guidance
at the country level. They will also inform
consultations under Track 2. The preliminary
findings were presented at an official side event
organized by the IAWG in Yokohama, Japan
on 2nd June 2013 during TICAD-V and at a
seminar in Medan, Indonesia conducted during
the APEC meeting in July 2013.
Saint Petersburg Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments
Track 2 supports consultations at the CFS on
the RAI, which take into account the PRAI. The
consultations include various stakeholders
Chapter 2
Implementation of G20 Commitments
on Development
such as developing countries, civil society
organizations, and the private sector (through
the Private Sector Mechanism - PSM). The IAWG
is actively involved in the CFS consultations
and has committed to sharing the results of its
Lessons Learned:
The G20's support for the PRAI has generated
political momentum on this important issue
and laid an important basis for an inclusive
consultation process at the CFS. Further scope
remains for enhanced coordination and
collaboration between the DWG and the private
sector, including through the PSM and B20.
The G20 needs to welcome and carefully
examine the findings of IAWG work in order
to identify what types of practices have led to
particularly good or bad outcomes, and are thus
to be emulated or avoided. These findings should
then be incorporated into CFS discussions.
In-Depth Assessment: Mitigate adverse
effects of excessive price volatility for the
most vulnerable through the development of
appropriate risk management instruments
Risks and uncertainty are inherent in agriculture
and agricultural markets. Farmers, especially
<Women selling produce. Tajikistan.» Credit Photo:
Gennadiy Ratushenko/World BankView entire presentation