Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

6.3.4 Coal-Fired Generation Assets We own two coal-fired generation assets: the Itaqui (360 MW) and Pecém II (365 MW) plants. Both plants have subcritical boilers and use clean coal burning technology (clean coal technology). In Brazil, coal accounts for only 2.04% of the generation matrix according to Aneel data from June 2021. We are constantly investing to increase the efficiency of both plants to prevent compromising the energy assured in current contracts. Both plants have contracts for availability in the ACR: Itaqui until 2026 and Pecém II until 2027. We have made a commitment to refrain from developing any new coal projects. We also constantly seek solutions that minimize the use of these assets without affecting the stability of the system. ITAQUI Capacity: 360 MW 2020 availability: 97,3% Agreement Expiration Date: 2026 Itaqui was our first enterprise in the state of Maranhão, strategically located only 5 kilometers from the Port of Itaqui. This port has logistical advantages due to its proximity to imported mineral coal used in power generation. In 2020, we carried out the biannual preventive overhaul on the asset. This refers to safety and integrity aspects foreseen in regulatory rule number 13 (NR13) which covers the inspection of the boiler, pressure vessels, and safety valves. At the time, we also promoted overhaul in critical equipment for the unit's operation and ancillary systems without any record of accidents or incidents. PECÉM II Capacity: 365 MW 2020 availability: 98,3% Agreement Expiration Date: 2027 The Pecém II plant is located in the port of Pecém in the state of Ceará. During the year, the asset's availability reached 98.3%, a record high percentage, after the major overhaul performed in 2019. * Fato subsequente ao período coberto por este relatório. Aneel Data - June 2021 Microsoft Power BI In 2020, our availability in Itaqui was 97.3%. In 2021, after the overhaul of the turbogenerator, we will see a 4% improvement in net heat rate as measured by the plant's control system. With this, we expect a reduction in coal consumption per gross energy produced and consequently, will see less environmental impact. ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL GRI SASB NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES CONTENT INDEX CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 63
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