regarding the potential for future earnings, cash flow, margins, ROCE, returns, potential markets, operating cash flow, cash operating expenses, structural cost reductions, total
shareholder return, breakevens, net cash margin, free cash, free cash flow, and recoverable resource are not forecasts of actual future results. These figures are provided to help
quantify the potential future results and goals of currently-contemplated management plans and objectives including new project investments, plans to replace natural decline in
Upstream production with low-cost volumes, plans to increase sales in our Downstream and Chemical segments as they transition to a Product Solutions business, the
development of a Lower Carbon Solutions business, continued highgrading of ExxonMobil's portfolio through our ongoing asset management program, both announced and
continuous initiatives to improve efficiencies and reduce costs, capital expenditures and cash management, and other efforts within management's control to impact future
results as discussed in this presentation. These figures are intended to quantify for illustrative purposes management's view of the potentials for these efforts over the time
periods shown, calculated on a basis consistent with our internal modelling assumptions for factors such as working capital, as well as factors management does not control,
such as interest, differentials, and exchange rates.
For all price point comparisons, unless otherwise indicated, we assume $60/bbl Brent crude prices. Unless otherwise specified, crude prices are Brent prices. Except where noted,
natural gas prices used are $3/mmbtu Henry Hub. All crude and natural gas prices for future years are adjusted for inflation from 2021 unless otherwise noted as nominal pricing.
Downstream and Chemical margins reflect annual historical averages for the 10-year period from 2010-2019 unless otherwise stated.
These prices are not intended to reflect management's forecasts for future prices or the prices we use for internal planning purposes.
We have assumed that other factors such as laws and regulations, including tax and environmental laws, and fiscal regimes remain consistent with current conditions for the
relevant periods. This presentation does not attempt to model potential pandemic outbreaks or recoveries beyond historical pricing. Unless otherwise indicated, asset sales and
proceeds are consistent with our internal planning assumptions. For future periods, we have assumed Corporate & Financing before-tax expenses between $2.3 and $2.6 billion
annually. To illustrate future financial capacity, we have used scenarios of Corporate & Financing expenses that reflect the estimated potential debt levels under those scenarios.
ExxonMobil reported emissions, including reductions and avoidance performance data, are based on a combination of measured and estimated data. Calculations are based on
industry standards and best practices, including guidance from the American Petroleum Institute (API) and IPIECA. The uncertainty associated with the emissions, reductions and
avoidance performance data depends on variation in the processes and operations, the availability of sufficient data, the quality of those data and methodology used for
measurement and estimation. Changes to the performance data may be reported as updated data and/or emission methodologies become available. ExxonMobil works with
industry, including API and IPIECA, to improve emission factors and methodologies, including measurements and estimates.
See the Cautionary Statement at the front of this presentation for additional information regarding forward-looking statements.
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