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Toyota Investor Presentation Deck

Managed Portfolio Performance TMCC Retail Loan Delinquency Experience(¹) At December 31, Outstanding Contracts/21 Number of Accounts Past Due: in the following categories 30-59 days 60-89 days Over 89 days Delinquencies as a Percentage of Contracts Outstanding1³1 30 - 59 days 60-89 days Over 89 days 2020 3,215,719 40.331 11,472 11,705 1.25% 0.36% 0.36% 2019 3.156.567 48.914 13.096 11,340 1.55% 0.41% 2020 3.142.143 40.205 11,604 12219 1.28% 0.37% 0.39% 2019 3,097,464 38,498 9,576 8,240 1.24% 0.31% 0.27% At March 31. 2018 3.158.375 37,044 9,464 8,063 1.17% 0.30% 0.26% [1] The historical delinquency data reported in this table includes all retail vehicle installment sales contracts purchased by TMCC, excluding those purchased by a subsidiary of TMCC operating in Puerto Rico. Includes contracts that have been sold but are still being serviced by TMCC. (2) Number of contracts outstanding at end of period. (3) The period of delinquency is based on the number of days payments are contractually post due. A payment is deemed to be past due if less than 90% of such payment is made. 2017 3.181.143 36.396 8,018 1.14% 0.25% 0.24% 2016 3.163.189 35,795 7.822 6,776 1.13% 0.25% 0.21% TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES 38
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