FY 2022 Results slide image

FY 2022 Results

Income up 12% YoY including the benefit from FX, with strong performances in Barclays UK and CC&P. Within CIB, strong performances in Global Markets and Transaction banking were more than offset by reduced income in Investment Banking and Corporate Lending Costs of £4.0bn (Q421: £3.8bn) reflecting the impact of FX, inflation and investment in the business Credit impairment charges were £0.5bn with an LLR of 49bps. The deteriorating macroeconomic forecast resulted in an increased charge, partially offset by utilising economic uncertainty PMAS Attributable profit of £1.0bn generated EPS of 6.5p and RoTE of 8.9% Q422 Group Financial Highlights Three months ended (Em) Income -Operating costs - Bank levy -Litigation and conduct Dec-22 Total operating expenses Other net income 10 13 Profit before impairment 1,808 Credit impairment (charges)/releases (498) 1,397 31 Dec-21% change 5,801 5,160 +12% (3,748) (3,514) -7% (176) (170) -4% (79) (92) +14% (4,003) (3,776) -6% -23% +29% Profit before tax Tax credit/(charge) Profit after tax Non-controlling interests Other equity instrument holders Attributable profit 1,310 1,428 33 (104) 1,343 1,324 +1% (22) (27) +19% (285) (218) -31% 1,036 1,079 -4% -8% Performance measures Dec-22 Sep-22 | Dec-21 Basic earnings per share 6.5p 9.4p ROTE 8.9% 6.4p 12.5% 9.0% Cost: income ratio 69% Loan loss rate 49bps 60% 73% 36bps (3)bps Balance sheet and capital Dec-22 Sep-22 | Dec-21 RWAs TNAV per share £336.5bn £350.8bn £314.1bn CET1 ratio 295p 13.9% 286p 291p 13.8% 15.1% 41 | Barclays FY 2022 Results | 15 February 2023 BARCLAYS
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