Q1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

Q1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation

Income | Good Income Growth led by NOII Business Segments Q4FY23¹ Q1FY24 QoQ Change Q1FY23¹ Q1FY24 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 282 334 18% 250 334 34% Investment Banking 84 91 8% 75 91 21% Retail Banking 454 465 2% 446 465 4% Business Banking 280 269 (4%) 237 269 13% Group Funding & Others 28 (17) (>100%) 39 (17) (>100%) Banking Income 1,128 1,142 1% 1,047 1,142 9% Insurance 241 9 (61%) (12)1 9 >100% Total Income - Continuing 1,152 1,151 ≈ 1,035 1,151 11% Total Income - Reported 1,152 1,202 4% 1,153 1,202 4% Total Income trend (RM'mil) 1. 1,153 1,176 1,223 1,165 1,202 1,152 1,151 1,035 253 293 289 251 328 393 342 204 863 923 913 930 831 824 809 809 Reported Cont'd Q1FY23 Q1FY23 Reported Cont'd Q2FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Reported Cont'd Q1FY24 Q1FY24 ■Net Interest Income ■Non-Interest Income Q1FY23 & Q4FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business AmBank Group Q1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 2 12
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