Investor Presentaiton
This presentation has been prepared for internal use only in order to allow a better market understanding regarding the details of the
association between Raia S.A. and Drogasil S.A. ("Transaction"), and was based on assumptions made by the management of Raia
and Drogasil, as well as on evidences that make these the most likely scenarios.
Future expectations related to this presentation shall consider the risks and uncertainties that involve any activities and transactions,
and that are beyond the control of the companies involved in this Transaction (including, but not limited to, political and economic
changes, volatility in the exchange and interest rates, technological changes, inflation, financial disintermediation, competitive
pressure over products and prices, changes in corporate and tax regulation, and also the approval of the Transaction by Raia and
Drogasil's Shareholders' Meetings, and/or by relevant authorities). Therefore, any forward-looking statements or projections contained
herein may materially differ from the actual future results of the companies and their businesses.
This material is not intended to be the basis for assessing the performance of Raia and/or Drogasil in connection with the Transaction,
nor is it intended to contain all the information necessary for such assessment. It does, however, reinforce Raia and Drogasil's strong
commitment to transparency and the cementing of close investor relations.
This presentation does not substitute or alter any information available in the terms of the current legislation and applicable law.
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