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Investor Presentaiton

OUR CHOICES, CAPABILITIES AND EXECUTION HAVE ENABLED US TO WIN 35% increase in Goals Driven Wealth Management AUM over the past year Best Private Bank for Technology in N. America Financial Times Group, 2018 130+ 27 years experience, adapting offerings to client needs Our depth of experience and data gives us a significant competitive advantage, enabling us to choose when, where and how to compete. America's Best Banks Forbes, 2017 +2 new offices expected to open in the US in the next year | 2019 Northern Trust +37% average revenue/FTE increase from 2014-2019 +11% increase in overall client satisfaction from 2015-2019 Best Private Bank for Family Offices Financial Times Group, 2017 and 2018 US offices closed from 2008-2018 Best Private Bank in the US Financial Times Group, 2018 43,000+ total Goals Driven Wealth Management training hours completed 8
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