Investor Presentaiton
The chaos generated by the lack of land ownership regulation is directly related with public land
grabbing, whereas the Pará's case appears as a fruitful area for study.
According to Benatti et al (2013, p. 19-20), there is no reliable survey to state what percentage of
public or private land are registered at the notaries. Neither the state nor the federal government
have data containing the total of private property in rural areas. Areas titled in recent years by
state and federal agencies have been taken to the public records. The authors emphasize that
these records, being of social interest, were carried out free of charge. Available data for notary
offices registration revenue and Incra have dubious validity and present contradictory data as
discussed below.
A compilation of data on the allocation of the State of Pará land is arranged in Benatti et al
(2013, p. 61-63) and shows that "approximately 63.5% of Pará is already destined either for the
indigenous lands, federal and state conservation units, military reserved areas, projects of federal
and state settlements", although the percentage is approximate due to the existence of several
overlapping areas.
Table 3 below presents an attempt by Treccani (2010) to systematize the dominion of public
lands in Pará. These figures indicate that in theory in 71.78% of the state's surface is made up of
federal lands. However, there are many overlaps, especially the cases (i) creation of state
protected areas without requesting permission from the federal government and these sometimes
focus on border groups and (ii) the lands that were incorporated into private equity.
Table 1. Types of land ownership dominion, public lands in Pará, 2009.View entire presentation