GLP Global Footprint and Financial Highlights slide image

GLP Global Footprint and Financial Highlights

Operations: Portfolio Snapshot GLP China Japan US Brazil Total Key Markets Presence in 38 key markets 90% Tokyo & Osaka Presence in 32 key markets 91% Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro Presence in 117 markets Total Assets US$12.9 billion US$9.5 billion US$13.7 billion US$2.4 billion US$38.4 billion Lease Ratio 87% 97% 94% 89% 92% Cap Rate 6.3% 4.8% 5.9% 10.5% (Revenue Yield) Completed Area 16.5 million sqm 4.6 million sqm 16.1 million sqm 2.7 million sqm 39.9 million sqm WALE 2.4 years 4.9 years 4.0 years 5.4 years 3.5 years 11.2 million sqm Development Pipeline¹ (Land Reserve: 11.7 million sqm) 1.6 million sqm What's Next • China and Japan continue to make up majority of NAV Selective development in favorable markets with low supply and high demand Recycle capital through fund management platform China: Rapid urbanization could lead to rezoning opportunities Leverage existing platform to pursue enhanced network benefits in the US 0.9 million sqm Explore initiatives to optimize capital structure and fund growth 13.7 million sqm (China Land Reserve: 11.7 million sqm) • Continued asset recycling Selective entry into new markets which could include Europe/UK Note: 1. Includes properties under development and land held for future development 8
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