Bank of Georgia Growth and Reform Strategy slide image

Bank of Georgia Growth and Reform Strategy

THE LEADING BANK IN GEORGIA BOG - Leading Bank in Attractive Banking Sector ■Top Systemically important financial institution in Georgia Market position in Georgia by assets (36.3%), loans (34.9%), client deposits (36.3%) and equity (29.8%) as of 31 December 2019* ■Market with stable growth perspectives: Real GDP average annual growth rate of 4.5% for 2007-2018; 5.2% estimated real GDP growth in 2019 according to Geostat. Loans to GDP was 64.5% and Deposits to GDP was 53.0% at 31 December 2019 ■Strong brand name recognition and retail banking franchise: Offers the broadest range of financial products to the retail market through a network of 267 branches, 933 ATMs, 3,217 Express Pay Terminals and more than 2.5 million customers as of 31 December 2019 Sustainable high profitability with average ROAE of more than 20% over the last four years on the back of solid NIM, low cost of credit risk and stringent cost control ■Resilient credit profile: Well-capitalised, diversified and high quality loan book and strong liquidity profile ■ High standards of transparency and governance: The first entity from Georgia to be listed on the premium segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE:BGEO) since February 2012. LSE listed through GDRs since 2006 Credit ratings from global rating agencies Strong profitability and growth momentum, on the back of outstanding capital and liquidity positions Banking Business CAGR GEL billions 20 210 15 Balance Sheet Highlights 19.7% 18.6 14.8 12.9 11.1 9.1 10 5 сл Total assets ■31-Dec-15 22.1% 11.9 9.4 7.7 6.7 5.4 19.1% 10.1 5.05.8 7.18.1 Net loans 31-Dec-18 Client deposits ■31-Dec-19 31-Dec-16 ■31-Dec-17 Income Statement Highlights Banking Business 13.3% GEL millions 400 300 273 259 257 2853 309 200 100 31.9% 29.9% 27.0%** 26.8% 119** 157 111** 134 24.5%** 112** 22.9%** Rating Agency Rating Outlook Affirmed MOODY'S Ba3/Ba2 Stable Fitch Ratings BB- Stable 14-Sep-17 15-Apr-19 BANK OF GEORGIA Operating income 4Q18 1Q19 Profit ■2Q19 ■3Q19 ROAE ■ 4Q19 Market data based on standalone accounts as published by the National Bank of Georgia (NBG) Profit and ROAE are adjusted for one-off costs for the periods presented. For more details on one-offs, please refer to pages 66-67 a 10
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