Transforming Renewable Energy into Hydrocarbons slide image

Transforming Renewable Energy into Hydrocarbons

RENEWABLE LOW CARBON HYDROCARBONS WORK COMMERCIALLY BECAUSE CARBON REDUCTION IN FUELS CAN BE VALUED AND MONETIZED Sustainable and Profitable For Our Customers... Breakdown of Contracted Fuel Price - Illustrative Example ($/HC gal) We share the carbon value to make products more affordable for customers, while being profitable for Gevo -Low-carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) -Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) -European Renewable Energy Sources (EU RED) -Tax Credits -Other Base Contract Price Customer Share of Carbon Value(1) Net Price for Customer Cost of fossil- based fuel ...And Sustainable and Profitable for Gevo Breakdown of Contracted Fuel Price - Illustrative Example ($/HC gal) Net Cash Margin Fixed O&M Variable O&M Premium for Renewable Process Energy Feedstock Total Production Cost Expected to be +20% IRR** (Levered Basis) וויו Base Contract Price Gevo Share of Carbon Value(1) Total Revenue to Gevo (1) Applicable environmental benefits and amount of sharing between Gevo and customer varies by contract; includes Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits, Blender's Tax Credit, EU RED II credits, RINS and Advanced Fuels Credit. **Projected project-level internal rate of return based on a project financing structure and assumptions around offtake contract pricing, carbon value, capital costs, and operating costs, all of which are subject to revisions gevo 21 21
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