Adjusted EPS Financial Overview slide image

Adjusted EPS Financial Overview

Sweetener Join Walmart Free delivery from this store Begin Total Revenue Total Revenue (cc)' $152.5 billion, up +7.7% $152.9 $152.8 $141.6 $164 $152.3 • • • Total revenue reached $152.3 billion with strength across all operating segments Negatively affected by $0.2 billion from currency fluctuations eCommerce net sales up 26% globally led by omnichannel, including pickup and delivery Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 • Strong growth in membership income, globally Y/Y Change +2.4% +8.4% +8.7% +7.3% +7.6% • Y/Y Change (cc) +2.6% +9.1% +9.8% +7.9% +7.7% Other income negatively affected by a decline in sustainability income Walmart+ 'See additional information at the end of this presentation regarding non-GAAP financial measures.
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