Investor Presentaiton
Corporate governance principles
Criteria for assessing compliance
with the corporate governance principle
Status of compliance
with the corporate
governance principle
Explanations of deviation
Corporate governance principles
from criteria for assessing compliance
with the corporate governance
The company avoids a formal
approach to disclosing
information and discloses
the substantial information
on its business, even if
the disclosure of such
information is not stipulated
by the law.
Criteria for assessing compliance
with the corporate governance principle
1. The company's information policy
defines approaches to the disclosure
of information on other events
(actions) that have a significant
impact on the value or quotation of its
securities, the disclosure of which
is not required by law.
2. The company discloses complete
information on the structure
of the company's capital in the annual
report and on the company's website.
in accordance with recommendation
290 of the Code.
3. The company discloses
information on controlled entities
that are material to it, including key
areas of their activities, mechanisms
for ensuring accountability
of controlled entities, the authority
of the company's board of directors
to determine strategy and assess
performance of controlled entities.
4. The company discloses a non-
financial report - a sustainability
report, environmental report,
corporate social responsibility
report or any other report containing
non-financial information, including
factors related to the environment
(including environmental and climate
change-related factors), society
(social factors) and corporate
governance, except for the equity
issuer's report and the annual report
of a joint stock company.
Status of compliance
with the corporate
governance principle
Partially observed
Explanations of deviation
from criteria for assessing compliance
with the corporate governance
Criterion No. 4 is not observed.
The Company has not disclosed
a separate non-financial report
relating to sustainability issues.
Information on the Company's
sustainable development has
been included in the Annual
The Company plans to prepare
and disclose a separate
sustainability report, including
an environmental report,
a social report and a corporate
governance report, in 2023.
The company discloses
the information
on the corporate governance
system and practice,
including detailed information
on the compliance
with the principles
and recommendations
of the Code.
1. The company discloses information.
on the company's corporate
governance system and general
principles of corporate governance
applicable to the company, including
on the company's website.
2. The company discloses
information on the composition
of the executive bodies
and the board of directors, independence
of members of the board of directors
and their membership in the committees
of the board of directors
(in accordance with the definition
given in the Code).
3. If there is a person controlling
the company, the company publishes
a controlling person memorandum
concerning the plans of such person
in respect of corporate governance
in the company.
The company timely discloses complete, up-to-date and reliable information about the company to ensure opportunities
for making justified decisions by the company's shareholders and investors
The company discloses
information in accordance
with the principles
of regularity, consistency,
efficiency, accessibility,
reliability, completeness
and comparability
of the information disclosed.
1. The company has established
a procedure to ensure that all
structural divisions and employees
of the company who are involved
in the disclosure of information
or whose activities may lead
to the need to disclose information
coordinate their work.
2. If the company's securities
are traded in foreign securities
markets, the disclosure of substantial
information in the Russian
Federation and in such markets
shall be performed simultaneously
and equivalently during the reporting
3. If foreign shareholders hold
a significant number of the company's
shares, the disclosure of information
during the reporting year was
performed not only in Russian but also
in one of the most widespread foreign
As one of the most important
tools for the exchange
of information between
shareholders and other
stakeholders, the annual
report contains information
enabling assessment
of the company's performance
for the year.
1. The company's annual
report contains information
on the audit committee's assessment
of the effectiveness of the external
and internal audit processes.
2. The company's annual report
contains information on the company's
environmental and social policies.
PJSC Russian Aquaculture | Annual Report 2021
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