(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy slide image

(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy

Executing on ~$1.5 billion of growth capex Proceeding with phase 2 of Halkirk Wind and Genesee battery storage $M $700 $600 $178 $500 $18 $49 $38 $400 $45 $101 $236 $300 $200 $379 $312 $100 $150 $53 2022E 2023E 2024E ■Genesee battery storage 1 Alberta renewable assets² ■ Halkirk 2 ■US renewable assets³ ■Genesee 1&2 Repower Halkirk 2 expected to contribute average annual AFFO of $27M in first 5 years 1) Genesee battery storage of 210 MWs 2) Alberta renewables consist of Enchant Solar and Strathmore Solar 3) US renewables assets excludes Tax Equity contributions 17
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