Investor Presentaiton
Ref. 1. Major Statistics for Shimane and Tottori
Total of Japan
◇ Total population: 674 thousands
(46th in Japan)
◇ Percentage of elderly in population:
(4th in Japan)
◇ Number of business establishments:
(46th in Japan)
Gross prefectural product:
2.4 trillion yen
(45th in Japan)
◇ Shipment value of manufactured
goods: 1,273.2 billion yen
(44th in Japan)
◇ Ratio of public fixed capital formation
to gross prefectural product: 8.9%
(8th in Japan)
◇ Total population: 556 thousands
(47th in Japan)
◇ Percentage of elderly in population:
(16th in Japan)
Number of business establishments:
(47th in Japan)
◇ Gross prefectural product:
1.8 trillion yen
(47th in Japan)
◇ Shipment value of manufactured
goods: 805.5 billion yen
(45th in Japan)
◇ Ratio of public fixed capital
formation to gross prefectural
product: 9.9%
(6th in Japan)
◇ Total population: 126.16 millions
◇ Percentage of elderly in population:
Number of business establishments:
5.34 millions
Gross domestic product:
547.5 trillion yen
◇ Shipment value of manufactured
goods: 331.8 trillion yen
◇ Ratio of public fixed capital formation
to gross domestic product: 5.0%
"2019 Population Estimates" and "2016 Economic Census" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; a preliminary report of "2019 Census of Manufactures" by the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and "FY2017 Annual Report on Prefectural Accounts" and "Annual Revision of GDP for FY2017" by the Cabinet Office. Nominal values are
used for gross prefectural products, gross domestic product and public fixed capital formation.
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