1st Quarter Investor Update
Definitions of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Management also utilizes the following non-GAAP financial measures as indicators of performance for its businesses:
"Kentucky Adjusted Gross Margins" is a single financial performance measure of the electricity generation, transmission and distribution operations of the Kentucky Regulated
segment, as well as the Kentucky Regulated segment's distribution and sale of natural gas. In calculating this measure, fuel, energy purchases and certain variable costs of
production (recorded in "Other operation and maintenance" on the Statements of Income) are deducted from operating revenues. In addition, certain other expenses, recorded
in "Other operation and maintenance", "Depreciation" and "Taxes, other than income" on the Statements of Income, associated with approved cost recovery mechanisms are
offset against the recovery of those expenses, which are included in revenues. These mechanisms allow for direct recovery of these expenses and, in some cases, returns on
capital investments and performance incentives. As a result, this measure represents the net revenues from electricity and gas operations.
"Pennsylvania Adjusted Gross Margins" is a single financial performance measure of the electricity transmission and distribution operations of the Pennsylvania Regulated
segment. In calculating this measure, utility revenues and expenses associated with approved recovery mechanisms, including energy provided as a PLR, are offset with
minimal impact on earnings. Costs associated with these mechanisms are recorded in "Energy purchases," "Other operation and maintenance," (which are primarily Act 129,
Storm Damage and Universal Service program costs), "Depreciation" (which is primarily related to the Act 129 Smart Meter program) and "Taxes, other than income," (which is
primarily gross receipts tax) on the Statements of Income. This measure represents the net revenues from the Pennsylvania Regulated segment's electricity delivery operations.
"Rhode Island Adjusted Gross Margins" is a single financial performance measure of the electricity transmission and distribution operations of the Rhode Island Regulated
segment, as well as the Rhode Island Regulated segment's distribution and sale of natural gas. In calculating this measure, utility revenues and expenses associated with
approved recovery mechanisms are offset with minimal impact on earnings. Costs associated with these mechanisms are recorded in "Energy purchases," "Other operation and
maintenance" (which are primarily regional network transmission service, energy efficiency and storm cost related) and "Taxes, other than income" (which is primarily gross
earnings tax) on the Statements of Income. This measure represents the net revenues from Rhode Island Regulated segment's electricity and gas delivery operations.
These measures are not intended to replace "Operating Income," which is determined in accordance with GAAP, as an indicator of overall operating performance. Other
companies may use different measures to analyze and report their results of operations. Management believes these measures provide additional useful criteria to make
investment decisions. These performance measures are used, in conjunction with other information, by senior management and PPL's Board of Directors to manage operations
and analyze actual results compared with budget.
Reconciliations of adjusted gross margins for future periods are not provided as certain items excluded from Operating Income are inherently subject to change and are not
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