Annual Integrated Report
G4-FS8 Monetary value of products and
services designed to deliver a specific
environmental benefit for each business
line, broken down by purpose
Equality, diversity, inclusion, and well-being
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental Social Governance Appendices
Where to find the
Reasons for
Page 33
3-3 Management of material topics
Similar to many other Brazilian banks, we are involved in legal proceedings
initiated by labor unions, associations, and individual employees seeking
compensation for overtime, lost wages, and pension benefits, as well as other
labor-related claims. We believe that we have adequately paid or provisioned
for all potential liabilities. For further details on negative impacts, please refer
to Form 20-F (page 201).
The findings of engagement surveys, coupled with leadership dialogues,
underpin continuous enhancement measures.
Pages 22, 23, 60 to 69
Information not applicable. The
promotion of equality and we-
ll-being aims to foster positive
impacts without generating
any tangible and/or potential
negative impacts on both the
environment and individuals
(item a).
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time em-
ployees that are not provided to tempo-
rary or part-time employees
Our post-employment benefits plan includes two key obligations assumed by
the Bank: (i) supplementing the benefits of the public social security system
and (ii) providing medical assistance in the event of retirement, permanent
disability, or death for eligible employees and their direct beneficiaries. Our
deferral program is available for Statutory Officers, Officers in management
positions, and other eligible employees. This program allows us to defer
between 40% and 60% of an employee's variable compensation for a period
of three to five years, depending on their level of responsibility. For more
information, please refer to Form 20-F, accessible at
br/sites/WRI/documentos/url-20-f 2022/23-02-28 191428 20-f%202022.pdf
401-3 Parental leave
Total number of employees eligible for maternity/paternity leave, broken
down by gender: Women: 29,769; Men: 22,822
Total number of employees who have taken maternity/paternity leave,
broken down by gender: Females: 1,241; Males: 657
Total number of employees who have returned to work following the end of
maternity/paternity leave, broken down by gender: Women: 920; Men: 522
Total number of employees who have returned to work following the end of
maternity/paternity leave and remained employed for 12 months after their
return to work, broken down by gender: Women: 861; Men: 444
Pages 65 and 66
Page 65
111View entire presentation