CAE Financial Overview and Strategic Outlook slide image

CAE Financial Overview and Strategic Outlook

FINANCIALS RECONCILIATION OF NON-IFRS MEASURES Reconciliation of adjusted net income and adjusted earnings per share (EPS) (Three months ended December 31) (Amounts in millions, except per share amounts) Net income attributable to equity holders of the Company 2023 2022 $56.5 $78.1 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations $1.9 $(2.1) Restructuring, integration and acquisition costs, after tax $18.2 $4.0 Impairment reversal of non-financial assets following their repurposing and optimization, after tax $7.1 Adjusted net income $76.6 $87.1 Average number of shares outstanding (diluted) 319.1 318.3 Adjusted EPS $0.24 $0.27 == 34 CAE CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential
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