Overview of Canadian Bail-in Regulations
Overview of Canadian Bail-in Regulations
Scope of Bail-in Debt
⚫ Scope emphasizes operational feasibility,
credibility and preserving access to
liquidity in stress
• What's in scope:
o Issued, originated or renegotiated after September 23,
o Long term (original term >400 days)
o Tradeable and transferrable
。 Unsecured
• What's not in scope:
。 Deposits
。 Most structured notes
。 Secured liabilities
o Covered bonds
。 Derivatives
Bail-in Outcomes
Bank stays open and operating
⚫ DSIB is recapitalized with limited or no
taxpayer support and able to re-access
• Recoveries are consistent with relative
hierarchy of claims (shared losses)
。 Significant dilution of original common shareholders through
conversion of NVCC and Bail-in debt
。 New common shares issued to NVCC and Bail-in debt
holders according to their relative rankings
• No creditor worse off
Legacy (non-NVCC) instruments are not in
scope but would be subject to other
resolution tools to ensure that senior bail-
in debt holders are better off than holders
of legacy capital instruments
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