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Investor Presentaiton

GOAL 3: PROGRESS AGAINST THE ANNUALTARGETS FOR THE 2020-21 APP South African NATIONAL PARKS OUTCOME GOAL 3: SUSTAINABLE SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME THAT ENSURES DELIVERY OF BENEFITS TO THE LAND CLAIMANTS, HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES AND THE PEOPLE OF SA SUB OUTCOME 14: IMPROVED EDUCATION AND SKILLS OUTPUT INDICATOR 2020/21 ANNUAL TARGET 14.3 Number of schools accessing the 50 Schools national parks for educational purposes ACTIONS / INTERVENTIONS ANNUAL PROGRESS AND ANALYSIS Target exceeded 83 schools accessed the parks for educational purposes. Motivation for over achievement: As the COVID-19 lockdown was eased, bookings previously postponed took place. Pre-planned trips through partnerships took place. National Parks Week marketing increased interest. Challenges: None Corrective measures Early engagements with district offices to find mechanisms to deliver within the COVID-19 new normal.
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