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Investor Presentaiton

TMG Holding Maintain robust growth in sales in existing projects The Spine(1) Fully integrated residential complex including retail, leisure, hospitality, and offices designed to international standards 2.5mn sqm land area 3.7mn sqm total BuA MADINATY OVERALL MASTER PLAN 13 years of development 2.3mn sqm of residential BuA Strategic location 50KM TO CARO Quality infrastructure Note (1): Areas subject to change as per the final master plan and utilization GOLF RESORT & GOU COMMUNITIES 30KM TO NEW CARO MAJOR ACCESS BUSINESS & CONFERENCE CENTER DAY MOSQUE & SPORTS AREA MEGA MA DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL UPTOWN CBD RESIDENTIAL MASER ACCESS ESDENTU 100KM TO SUEZ EDUCATION MORQUE & SPORTS AREA Unique accessibility Downtown Civic Spine Superior quality standards Uptown Investor presentation 13
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