Drilling Results and Exploration Update slide image

Drilling Results and Exploration Update

2020 Nanko Drilling¹ Drilling at Nanko indicates a completed preserved hot spring system remains intact with long low grade intercepts at the top and high-grade veins below. Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (gpt) Silver (gpt) Gold eq (gpt) 200MI-002 74.70 89.20 14.50 2.90 29.50 3.29 including 75.20 77.00 1.80 7.54 60.79 8.35 including 80.29 82.30 2.01 12.59 91.36 13.81 200MI-003 41.30 55.90 14.60 1.71 21.64 2.00 207.00 221.24 14.24 3.55 69.24 4.47 including 218.54 220.30 1.76 8.15 147.29 10.11 225.30 229.00 3.70 2.92 38.43 3.43 341.70 343.42 1.72 21.65 538.75 28.83 including 342.20 342.80 0.60 56.10 1435.00 75.23 200MI-004 16.50 71.94 55.44 0.52 15.24 0.72 200MI-005 27.45 109.18 81.73 1.02 31.29 1.44 including 28.70 30.30 1.60 7.05 102.50 8.42 including 92.59 94.00 1.41 5.05 168.96 7.30 200MI-006 50.50 52.27 1.77 3.27 42.4 3.83 82.00 111.55 29.55 0.88 23.6 1.20 including 104.96 107.35 2.39 5.22 103.6 6.60 200MI-007 51.89 54.88 2.99 4.34 26.8 4.70 including 54.30 54.88 0.58 18.00 92.4 19.23 200MI-008 5.00 8.00 3.00 2.84 8.4 2.95 11.00 13.00 2.00 3.98 26.1 4.33 200MI-009 130.35 131.52 1.17 4.75 8.3 4.86 224.84 235.60 10.76 1.77 49.9 2.44 including 227.50 229.37 1.87 8.88 93.1 10.12 314.01 320.51 6.50 4.37 24.4 4.69 including 318.00 320.51 2.51 9.21 35.2 9.68 Au eq (gpt) = Au (gpt) + Ag (gpt)/75 2023 | Irving Resources CNX: IRV | OTCQX: IRVRF 1. Refer to the Company's news release dated November 13, 2020. 26
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