Investor Presentaiton
Scope of study: The scope of study is the whole country and it has been divided into the five
agroecological zones namely:
Sahel savannah
Sudan savannah
Guinea savannah
Derived savannah
Rain Forest
Sampling Technique: In all zones, there are various actors along the fertilizer supply chain.
Since it is impossible to go round all the zones, zones will be sampled based on the number of
actors in the zone. Two zones will be sampled; one in the north and one in the south.
In each selected zones, all the actors along the chain will be sampled
Data: Both secondary and primary data will be used. The detailed description on the type of data
to be collected is presented in the tables below. The secondary data will be collected from the
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, FEPSAN, National Bureau of Statistics, Agrodealers Association,
FAOSTAT, IFDC and African Fertilizers.
Method of analysis: Descriptive statistics including
Also, charts, trend analysis and narratives will be used.View entire presentation