Investor Presentaiton
Appendix C
Recent IFRIC agenda decisions
IFRIC agenda decisions relate to financial reporting issues which have been brought to the attention of the IFRS Interpretations
Committee (the Committee), where the Committee has decided not to add the issue to its work programme for further deliberation.
Often the reason for this is because the Committee believes that existing IFRS requirements provide enough information to determine
the accounting, and an agenda decision is published to explain how the applicable principles and requirements of the IFRS Accounting
Standards apply to the question submitted. Although agenda decisions are technically non-authoritative as they reflect existing
requirements of the Standards, the decisions are viewed as in-substance mandatory by major accounting firms and many regulators.
The IFRS Foundations' Due Process Handbook notes that entities should be entitled to "sufficient time" to implement changes in
accounting policy that result from an agenda decision published by the Committee. Although "sufficient time" depends on an entity's
particular facts and circumstances, the IASB's expectation is that "companies need to consider agenda decisions and implement any
necessary accounting policy changes on a timely basis - in other words, as soon and as quickly as possible".
This appendix includes a summary of the IFRIC agenda decisions issued from January 2022 to August 2023, starting with the most recent
decisions as of the time of writing. These decisions are published in IFRS Foundation's newsletter "IFRIC Update", which is published
shortly after they are considered by the IASB and the IASB does not object to the agenda decision. The IFRS Foundation website also
contains a compilation of past agenda decisions and recordings of the Committee's meetings. Considering that HKFRSS are derived from
IFRS Accounting Standards word-for-word, entities preparing financial statements under HKFRSS or IFRS Accounting Standards are
expected to change their accounting policies to align with the guidance in the final agenda decisions, to the extent their existing
accounting policies materially differ from those described in the agenda decisions, and any such changes in accounting policies will be
implemented in a timely manner. More information on these developments can be obtained from your usual KPMG contact.
Meeting date
Issue discussed by the Committee
March 2023
IFRS 16 Leases - Definition of a lease
- Substitution right:
At which level should an entity assess
whether a contract contains a lease?
How to evaluate whether the
supplier's substitution right is
Summary of the Committee's conclusion on the issue
The Committee concluded that, in the fact pattern described in the request,
lease definition is evaluated at the level of each battery, and the supplier's
substitution right is not substantive throughout the period of use.
In particular, determining whether a supplier's substitution right is
substantive throughout the period of use, as required by paragraph B14 of
IFRS 16, may require judgement. While the term 'throughout the period of
use' does not mean at all times within that period, in the fact pattern
considered, the Committee observed that, because the supplier is not
expected to benefit economically from exercising its substitution right for at
least the first three years of the 10-year contract, the condition in paragraph
B14(b) does not exist throughout the period of use. Therefore, the supplier
does not have a substantive right to substitute a battery throughout the
period of use.
To assess whether the contract contains a lease, the customer would then
apply the requirements in paragraphs B21-B30 of IFRS 16 to assess whether,
throughout the period of use, it has the right to obtain substantially all the
economic benefits from use, and direct the use, of each battery. If the
customer concludes that the contract contains a lease, it would apply the
requirements in paragraphs 18-21 of IFRS 16 to determine the lease term.
2 "Agenda decisions - Time is of the essence", an article written by the then vice-Chair of the IASB and published on the IFRS
Foundation's website.
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