FINNVERA Long Term Funding slide image

FINNVERA Long Term Funding

Finnvera's role and impact in society Figures for the reference year 2021 are in parentheses. Impacts on stakeholder relations Meetings and contacts with clients and stakeholders: 5,500 pcs (7,080 pcs) Customers willing to recommend Finnvera, average NPS: Impact on society and financial impacts Domestic financing offered: MEUR 1,260 (MEUR 1,724) Start-ups launched with the help of financing: 1,931 pcs (2,399 pcs) Jobs created with the help of domestic financing: 6,001 (8,599) Transfers of ownership financed: MEUR 130, 771 companies (MEUR 174, 813 companies) Export credit guarantees and special guarantees offered: MEUR 5,676 (MEUR 4,340) Exports covered by export credit guarantees: MEUR 3,521 (MEUR 2,508) Social impacts Personnel expenses: MEUR 30 (MEUR 30) Personnel training: MEUR 0.4 (MEUR 0.3) Personnel work energy level: 4.3/5 (4.3/5) ESG assessment, export Environmental impacts Emissions from Finnvera's own operations: 637 t CO2 Emissions from financed projects: 9 Mt COz Finnish exports: to 94 countries Bo (93) 72 (67) Renewable's share of export exposures related to energy production: credit guarantees granted: 34% 295 pcs (349 pcs) (24%) 凸 0000 Micro- enterprises: 86% (87%) Number of clients 31 Dec 2022: 24,400 (25,800) 7 mm SMEs and midcap enterprises: 13% Large corporates: 1% (13%) (0.4%) =FINNVERA
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