Investor Presentaiton
The Population of Tibet
Key census findings on:
population of Tibetans
population gender ratio
distribution of Tibetans by region
concentration of Tibetan and Han populations
number of non-agricultural households
decline in average household sizes
Before delving into the regional data, let's take a look at the general Tibetan
population data provided by the 2010 census. In 2010, the total population of Tibetans
living in the PRC was 6,282,187, or 6.3 million people. This represents an increase of
866,166 people since the 2000 census, which recorded 5, 416,021, or 5.4 million
Tibetans. The 2010 regional breakdown shows that more than half of all Tibetans are
actually living outside the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). This study is based on the
census results for the TAR and the seven Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures with a
majority Tibetan population.View entire presentation