Analysis of Global Power Market
Analysis of China's Power Operation Market
Green Certificates Scheme
Procedure of Application for Green Certification,
Renewable Energy Power Plants
The Information Management System of National
Renewable Energy Power Generation Project
Approval of Projects
Operation Condition
Power Settlement
Bank Transfer
Application for Green Certification
Issuance of Green Certification
Green Energy Subscription Platform
The Public
Currently, the development of renewable energy generation in China
relies on government subsidies. However, The long settlement time of
tariff for renewable power generation has become a common
phenomenon in China, and the settlement time of tariff for PV power
generation in China can be range from one to three years. One reason for
the long settlement time is the complex procedures of application and
approval. Another important cause for this phenomenon is the deficits of
the renewable energy development fund. Currently, the financial source of
the renewable energy development fund is the renewable energy
surcharge in the power retail segment, which is RMB 0.019 per kWh.
Additionally, the delay of the application for the subsidies of renewable
energy subsidies is another reason for the long settlement time. In Mar
2017, the MOF just started the application for subsidies of renewable
energy power plants which were approved after 2006 and connected to
the grid before the end of Mar 2016. Until June 2018, the MOF issued the
result of this application.
In order to alleviate this problem and facilitate the healthy development of
the renewable energy industry, the government started to promote the
green certification and renewable energy power quota policy.
In 2017, the NDRC issued the "Notice of the Trial Implementation of
Green Certification Issue and Voluntary Subscription Trading System" (*
marked the beginning of green certification trade. Currently, the
subscription of green certification is voluntary. In Nov. 2018, the NEA
issued the notice about the implementation of the renewable energy
power quota policy, which stipulated the proportion of renewable energy
power in the total power consumption at the province level and the
subscription of green certification can be calculated into the quota.
Source: Frost & Sullivan
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