Sustainable Finance Framework 2022 slide image

Sustainable Finance Framework 2022

Sustainable Finance Framework 2022 Use of Proceeds Evaluation and Selection Verification Review Disclaimer Introduction Rationale for Framework Management of Proceeds Alignment Reporting Green Eligibility Criteria Investments in: GBP Eligible Project Category Renewable Energy Eligibility Criteria and Example Projects a) Financing for wind and solar energy, in which members can get credit to purchase equipment and technology. b) Implementation of systems for the generation and distribution of alternative energy for rural proprietors for own consumption. Eligible projects are related to wind, solar and biomass energy.6 SDG Alignment AFFORDABLE AND NOUSTRY HOW ORASTRUCTURE 12 CUMATE 13 ACTION Environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use a) No-till farming: financing no-till farming methods for planting straw, which avoids plowing and harrowing operations, reducing the turning of the soil and harrowing operations reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. In addition, the straw that remains on the ground promotes an increase in microbiological life, further reducing emissions. b) Integrated crop-livestock-forest systems and Agroforestry systems: Integrated systems using sustainable forest management, including crop- livestock-forest (ICLF), crop-livestock (ICL), crop- forest (ICF), Livestock-forest (ILF) and agroforestry system. c) Soil recovery and restoration of degraded pasture investments. d) Biological Nitrogen Fixation: process for atmospheric nitrogen transformation in assimilable forms for plants by microorganisms. e) Animal waste treatment: bio digestion and composting of animal waste, including energy generation. 12 RESPONSE 2 ZERO CONSUMPTION HUNGER AND PRODUCTION 13 CATE 15 AND UFE ACTION Green building a) Financing or refinancing, at any stage of execution, of: • Projects for construction of buildings that have LEED Gold, LEED Platinum, EDGE Certification, Aqua-HQE (Excellent or above) certification or Living Building Challenge precertification; • Building retrofit projects, the results of which show a minimum of 30% reduction in the generation of carbon emissions. SUSTAINABLE CITIES Energy efficiency a) Efficient lighting with LEDs and associated controls. Efficient lights that reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emission reductions by at least 20%. AFTORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY ANDFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAMABLE CE AND COMMUNITIES 13 CLIMATE ACTION b) Efficient cooling and refrigeration. Technologies that generate > 20% reductions in energy use and CO2 emissions. Clean transportation a) Financing of Individuals or companies to the purchasing of clean fuel source vehicles (fully electric vehicles) or hybrid vehicles. b) Charging stations for fully electric vehicles. 11 MARLE CITIES AND COMMINTIES QASTRY OWN 13 CLIMATE ANDERASTURE ACTION 6 The sources considered in the biomass projects will be agricultural and animal waste. The output will be eletricity generation. 11 7 Hybrid vehicles at or below the threshold of 75 gCO2/km; Heavy trucks, at or below the threshold of 25 gCO2/tkm for each vehicle to be financed. Buses, the threshold is a direct emission (WLTP) of <50 gCO₂e/pkm.
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