VITALITY® Product Portfolio and Market Growth slide image

VITALITY® Product Portfolio and Market Growth

Product Portfolio: Power Iron + Organic Spirulina Builds blood levels to fight iron deficiency anemia and support oxygen delivery to the body. Anemia is a leading deficiency in North America and internationally. • • • • • • • Award Winning: Canada, United States, Europe Current Distribution: Canada only (online orders from Italy, Australia and USA) 2018 Focus: Increase distribution and sales in Canada, online and & Introduction to USA (Pacific Northwest) FDA Notification complete for sale in USA Differentiator: Therapeutic dose iron (45 mg) with key cofactors and organic spirulina (75 mg) GROSS MARGIN: 70%+ Total Iron Market: $3B USD in 2015 - expected to reach $6.3B USD by 2025. North America accounted for 34.72% of global iron supplements sale. Power Iron currently accounts for 35% of retail sales "My iron went from 3 to 26. VITALITY works!" 5-fall BUYING - Linda J., BC VITALITY Power Iron + Organic Spirulina 45 mg Iron Bisglycinate Donate de With 812, Folic Acid and Vitamin C Avec 12, Acide folique Van C 30 Vegetarian Caples Capsules vitales CLEAN CHOICE AWARDS WINNER Clean Eating 2016 alive RETAIL & CONSUMER CHOICE Awards SILVER Ultimate Blood Builder: Highest level iron (45 mg) to power your body. Gentle on the stomach and non-constipating. Vegan NON USDA friendly GMO ORGANIC Enhances Energy & Mood: Organic spirull- na and vitamin B12 help fuel energy and Improve mood. VITALITY It's inside.
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