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Investor Presentaiton

PRESENTATION Marília Gabriela da Silva Observatório da Indústria Executive Manager After six consecutive years of fall- ing oil and natural gas production in Espírito Santo, the year 2023 rescues a scenario of optimism for the future. The fundamental piece that supports this statement aris- es in the recent announcements of investments in offshore areas that lead to an increase in the pro- duction of inputs in the short term. In the onshore environment, opti- mism appears in the recent diver- sification of operators that with results still isolated, demonstrate that the model with more indepen- dent companies operating in Explo- ration and Production (E&P) is the most prosperous path. According to the ANP, in Espírito Santo more than 120 wells were passed on to private operators in 18 onshore exploration fields that account for an approximate volume of 3,000 boe/day. When we com- catalyst for the regional socioeconomic development of producing municipalities, especially in the genera- tion of employment and income. It is in this context that the 6th edition of the Yearbook of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Espírito Santo brings together the most important variables of anal- ysis of the sector for Espírito Santo, combining the technical rigor and structured, updated and reliable information. The first chapter of the Yearbook addresses the glob- al oil and natural gas industry. Chapter 2 exposes the oil and natural gas industry in Espírito Santo. The eco- nomic effects of these activities are dealt with in chap- ter 3. Finally, chapter 4 discusses the new opportuni- ties in exploration and production of oil and natural gas for Espírito Santo. The Industry Observatory reaffirms its commitment to the sector and to the industry of Espírito Santo, and also keeps updated the Panel - Oil and Gas Industry - which contains the most relevant data of the sector in digital, intuitive and dynamic format. pare the average production vol- Enjoy your reading! umes before and after the divest- ment of these areas by Petrobras, it is possible to see that 83.3% of these fields registered an increase in oil and natural gas production in the first twelve months of operation of the new companies. → SCAN ME ACESSE AQUI O PAINEL - INDÚSTRIA DO PETRÓLEO E GÁS There is no questioning about the benefits caused by increased com- petition in the exploration and pro- duction of oil and natural gas. On- shore production is an important SCAN ME ACCESS THE ENGLISH EDITION OF THE DO- CUMENT HERE
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