Investor Presentaiton
Note on Reconciliation Tables
These tables include financial measures adjusted for the impact of certain items; these financial measures are
therefore not calculated in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). These Non-GAAP
financial measures exclude items such as: share-based compensation expense; charges relating to restructuring
initiatives; non-cash asset impairments; certain other non-operating gains and losses; and acquisition-related items
such as transaction costs, non-cash amortization of acquired intangible assets, incremental transaction-related
compensation, and certain integration costs.
These Non-GAAP financial measures may be different from Non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies.
Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial
performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. By excluding these items, Non-GAAP financial measures are intended
to facilitate meaningful comparisons to historical operating results, competitors' operating results, and estimates made
by securities analysts. Management is evaluated on key performance metrics including Non-GAAP Operating Income,
which is used to determine management incentive compensation as well as to forecast future periods.
These Non-GAAP financial measures may be useful to investors in allowing for greater transparency of supplemental
information used by management in its financial and operational decision-making. In addition, similar Non-GAAP
financial measures have historically been reported to investors; the inclusion of comparable numbers provides
consistency in financial reporting. Investors are encouraged to review the reconciliation of the Non-GAAP financial
measures used in this news release to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures.
29 Investor Presentation | 2021 Veeco Instruments Inc.
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