Funding and Green Projects Evaluation slide image

Funding and Green Projects Evaluation

MuniFin Copyright MuniFin 11 Operations rely on low risk appetite MuniFin's risk pillars Profitability & Capital € Liquidity & Funding risks • € Credit risks Market risks Operational risks Objectives and related measures A sufficient level of earnings, profitability and capital An adequate liquidity buffer and a sustainable funding position and profile Well diversified short- and long-term funding sources • • Well-balanced, low risk liquidity portfolio with a high ratio of HQLA Sufficient liquidity to cover continued undisturbed operations without new long-term funding for at least 12 months. Liquidity metrics, LCR and NSFR, to be kept well above regulatory requirements • Secondary source of funding: Monetary policy counterparty of the Bank of Finland Sound credit risk profile appropriate for MuniFin's business model • • All customer financing is direct municipal risk, or the financing guaranteed by a municipality or central government (deficiency guarantee) All customer financing carries a 0% risk weighting in capital adequacy calculations Liquidity portfolio rating target AA (single issuer minimum rating requirement A-) Derivative counterparty minimum rating requirement A- (with minor exceptions) 0/0 threshold two-way CSAs with daily collateral management Sound market risk profile appropriate for MuniFin's business model Funding and liquidity portfolio investments are as a norm back-to-back hedged to floating rate EUR Customer financing is all in EUR and as a norm hedged to floating rate Effective operational control and compliance to support functional and responsible operations Objective is to minimize operational risks related to business and operations by carefully identifying and analyzing the impact and probability of the risks
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