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Investor Presentaiton

Uruguay remains a bastion of institutional and political stability in Latin America Strongest political stability and full democracy 1/2/ 100 80 60 40 40 20 "Full Democracies" ā†“ Highest adherence to the rule of law 3/ 0000 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 URY CHL ARG PAN BRA COL PER ECU MEX BOL Lowest corruption perception 5/ 0 0 URU CHL PAN ARG ECU PRY BOL PER BRA MEX COL Lowest civil unrest 4/ 10 8 00 6 4 2 0 CHL MEX COL PRY ECU PER BRA ARG PAN URY 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 PAR MEX BOL BRA PAN PER COL ECU ARG CHL URY Sources: 1/ Worldwide Governance Indicators, World Bank (2019); 2/ The Economist Intelligence Unit (2020); 3/ World Justice Project (2020); 4/ Verisk Maplecroft (first quarter of 2020); Transparency International (2020)
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