Enhancing Kota Jababeka's Value Proposition slide image

Enhancing Kota Jababeka's Value Proposition

Jababeka Group Joins the Fight against Covid-19 Together with President University, Jababeka Group initiated a crowd- funding exercise, which has raised nearly Rp 7 billion (and counting) for medical equipment required to combat Covid-19 Collaboration with tenants Croda Indonesia, Evonik Indonesia and Danone Indonesia for the production and packaging of hand sanitizers and disinfectant fluids - totally producing 15 tons so far Together with several tenants produced 50,000 fabric face masks for the Covid-19 task force in Bekasi Together with President University and numerous tenants provided Rp 7.2 billion in to the Bekasi Regency to combat and prevent the spread of Covid-19 Distribution of free face masks in and around Kota Jababeka Providing social aid to 13 villages in and around Kota Jababeka Preventive spraying of disinfectants at all office premises, providing hand sanitizer for all staff, checking body temperatures, etc. Jababeka Fighting Covid which includes Jababeka, tenants and Government create a routine event called Treasure Market which sell used clothes and the revenue from that event will be used to develop MSME. ARSS CID antuan P MASKER GRATIS SILAHKAN AMBIL SECUKUPNY an I PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION JABABEKAS CO Ban Jababeka ONG MONG TREASURE MARKET 3
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