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Investor Presentaiton

Concerted Efforts to Mitigate Covid-19 Risk General Measures 1 Establishment of a COVID-19 Task Force to Accelerate Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Handling. 8 Decentralized tests by increasing the number of Covid-19 test laboratories throughout Indonesia. BHINNIKA 2 Extension of the emergency status for COVID-19 until 29th May 2020. 3 Permission for civil servants to work from home, while maintaining the continuity of public services. 10 10 4 Promoting massive prevention of the spread of Covid-19; application of health protocols in public areas, public transportation, and offices; calls for carrying out social distancing and the prohibition of carrying out activities that involve large crowds. 12 5 Closing and limiting the mobility of Indonesian citizens abroad and foreigners to enter Indonesian territory with strict immigration and health protocols. 6 Evacuation of Indonesian citizens from affected countries and strict quarantine processes with complete medical facilities. 9 11 13 Providing Designated Hospitals, including additional designated hospital in Galang Island. Utilization of four (4) of ten (10) Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Towers (former Athletes Hotel) as emergency hospital. Preparation of 606 health workers and 192 non-health workers in Wisma Atlet Kemayoran and recruitment of 328 medical volunteers and 2590 non-medical personnel in the field of logistics and operations. Establishment of Contingency Plans in the regions level. Preparation of drugs that have been used for Covid-19 patients in China according to doctor's prescription. The drug has been distributed to designated facilities and its stock is continuously being augmented with domestic pharmaceutical production. 14 7 Conducting Rapid Test in 17 provinces with positive patients of Covid-19. Speed up the procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment for designated hospitals and the provision of incentives for medical personnel. 8
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