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Investor Presentaiton

Kinerja Keuangan | Financial Performance Laba/Rugi Konsolidasian | Consolidated Income Statement +2% 2.642 2.691 +7% 2.168 2.035 -14% -19% (Juta USD | Million USD) 9M22 9M23 -13% 936 815 -36% 607 523 480 390 311 198 Pendapatan Revenues Beban Pokok Laba Bruto Pendapatan Cost of Revenues Gross Profit Laba Operasi Operating Profit Laba Bersih EBITDA* Net Profit Kontribusi Pendapatan Revenue Contribution Kontribusi EBITDA EBITDA Contribution 11% 11% 78% Niaga Gas & Transmisi/ Gas Sales & Transmission Niaga &Transmisi Gas dan Lainnya/ Gas Trading & Transmission and Others 29% Hulu/Upstream Lainnya/Others Hulu/Upstream 71% PERTAMINA GAS NEGARA ◉ Kenaikan Pendapatan terutama didorong oleh kenaikan kinerja dari segmen bisnis niaga gas, transmisi gas, transportasi minyak, regasifiksai dan segmen bisnis lainnya. Pencapaian Laba Bersih terutama disebabkan adanya penurunan rata- rata ICP, peningkatan beban pokok pendapatan, penurunan bagian laba dari ventura bersama, dan adanya provisi terkait sengketa pajak. ■ Pencapaian EBITDA Konsolidasi terutama dikontribusikan dari penurunan laba operasi segmen bisnis upstream dan niaga gas. Increasing Revenues was mainly driven by higher contribution from gas trading, gas transmission, oil transportation, regasification and other business segments. ■ Consolidated Net Profit mainly due to a decrease in the average of ICP, increase in cost of revenues,, decrease in share of profit from joint venture and provision of tax disputes. ■ Consolidated EBITDA mainly contributed by the decrease in operating profit of upstream business segment and gas trading. *) Memperhitungkan Laba/Rugi Selisih Kurs dan Profit dari Ventura Bersama Taking into account Profit/Loss on Foreign Exchange and Profit from Join Venture 14
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