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Investor Presentaiton

We encourage the efficient use of energy by our suppliers in their processes and the sale of eco-efficient products such as household appliances, low energy-using electronic devices and equipment, compact fluorescent bulbs and LED lighting. For the first time, our GEI inventory for 2012 was verified by an independent third party -SOLAL S.C. (SOLAL-ÓVVALO), which is in conformity with the requirements for GEI Corporate Standards for Accounting and Reporting (WBCSD and WRI, 2005) at a limited verification level. WASTES With the purpose of reducing, reusing and recycling wastes, in our stores we have programs to recover materials that can be recycled or reused from our operations and from products used by our customers. We also have programs for the safe disposal of organic wastes and expired pharmaceuticals. There are programs with 80% coverage in our stores in Mexico and 100% of those in Central America for the recovery of recyclable materials such as cardboard, flexible plastic, clothes hangers, paper, and multi-layer and PET containers. The "Green Bag" program in Mexico reduced the use of plastic bags by 10.3%, which is equivalent to 1.28 tons of plastic. We promote best practices with our suppliers so they can reduce the use of raw materials and use recyclable, renewable or recycled materials. Over 245,000 tons of wastes were recycled or transformed. The reduction of waste in food has been a priority for the company. Initiatives undertaken to impact the different life cycles perishable products have helped to reduce this type of waste by 25%, as compared to the baseline in 2011, thereby surpassing the goal of 15% reduction by 2015; and in Central America, food waste as compared to the baseline for 2010 dropped 27.4% %, thus exceeding the reduction goal of 5% for 2015. These achievements, together with the donation of food products and general merchandise items to food Banks -a total of 14,005 tons of food products- allows for a better use of these products. We continue with our programs aimed at recovering edible fat and oils so as to reuse them in the making of soap, candles, and pet and cattle feed. What is more, 166 stores are involved in the Mexican program for collecting expired medical products, operated jointly with the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry and National System for Drug Packaging Waste Management, so as to properly and safely dispose of them. In 2013, some 19.2 tons of medicines were collected. 2013 Financial and Social Responsibility Report MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA WASTE RECYCLING RATE 71 55 Mexico 69 Central America 55 73 61 '11 '12 '13 52
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