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Investor Presentaiton

MRF LIMITED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2023 ASSETS Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Capital Work-in-Progress Other Intangible Assets Financial Assets - Investments - Loans - Other Financial Assets Non Current Tax Asset (Net) Other Non-current Assets Current Assets Inventories Financial Assets - Investments - Trade Receivables Cash and Cash Equivalents Bank Balances other than Cash and Cash Equivalents - Loans - Other Financial Assets Other Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Equity Share Capital Other Equity Total Equity LIABILITIES Non-Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities - Borrowings - Lease Liability Other Financial Liabilities Provisions Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) Other Non-current Liabilities Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities - Borrowings - Lease Liability - Trade Payables (A) total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises; (B) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises Other Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Provisions Total Liabilities TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Significant Accounting Policies Accompanying Notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements This is the Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date For M M NISSIM & CO LLP Chartered Accountants Firm Reg. No. 107122W/W100672 N. KASHINATH Partner Mem. No. 036490 Chennai Dated 03rd May, 2023 For SASTRI & SHAH Chartered Accountants Firm Reg. No. 003643S CR KUMAR Partner Mem. No. 026143 Chennai MADHU P NAINAN Executive Vice President Finance S DHANVANTH KUMAR Company Secretary Chennai Note 2 (a (1, 2)) 2 (b) 2 (c) 345 ON As at 31.03.2023 (Crores) As at 31.03.2022 10024.10 3045.22 25.94 9445.06 1225.81 21.21 1130.92 1155.53 1.19 0.82 24.08 72.94 263.24 241.77 6 547.90 586.05 7 4042.68 4061.72 1974.84 2442.36 2509.69 2283.26 146.31 113.11 9.98 1.74 2.95 3.18 757.72 3890456 103.66 238.38 24023.75 SOCE SOCE 4.24 14504.63 14508.87 6234 1111 213.79 22693.40 4.24 13773.03 13777.27 11 823.58 817.21 508.62 350.87 16 106.83 12 215.02 218.67 13 381.67 393.30 14 234.79 182.54 11 1153.50 75.49 1186.51 60.08 58.26 2716.06 399.47 2246.29 180.04 55642 15 15 16 14 12 JACOB KURIAN Director DIN: 00860095 72.72 2684.73 807.08 2324.74 232.94 9514.88 24023.75 8916.13 22693.40 V SRIDHAR Director DIN: 00020276 KM MAMMEN Chairman & Managing Director DIN: 00020202 92
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