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Investor Presentaiton

-20 -15 -10 -5 ene.2019 mar.2019 feb.2019 abr.2019 Source: Central Bank of Chile. 0 5 Ministerio de Hacienda - Gobierno de Chile Social distancing measures triggered an important decline in economic activity, although the mining sector has been more resilient. National Monthly Economic Activity Proxy (IMACEC) Percent change, year-on-year National Monthly Economic Activity Proxy for Mining and Non-Mining sectors (IMACEC minero y no minero) Percent change, year-on-year may.2019 jun.2019 jul.2019 ago.2019 sep.2019 oct.2019 nov.2019 dic.2019 ene.2020 feb.2020 mar.2020 abr.2020 may.2020 jun.2020 jul.2020 ago.2020 sep.2020 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ene.2019 feb.2019 mar.2019 5 10 15 -Mining -Non-Mining abr.2019 may.2019 jun.2019 jul.2019 ago.2019 sep.2019 oct.2019 nov.2019 dic.2019 ene.2020 feb.2020 mar.2020 abr.2020 may.2020 jun.2020 jul.2020 ago.2020 sep.2020 4
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