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Investor Presentaiton

First Quarter Revenue Discussion 2022 vs 2023 BILLED AND UNBILLED REVENUES Due to the extremely wet winter in California, Q1 Cal Water sales fell 12% from Q1 2022 Weather also pushed unbilled revenue accrual down $5.8M Also, in 2022, sales and production cost changes had been offset $12.1M by the WRAM/MCBA In 2023, we anticipate that the effects of sales changes would be offset by the drought response memorandum account (“DREMA”) and the Monterey-Style Revenue Adjustment Mechanism ("MWRAM"); however due to the delayed CPUC decision, we are unable to record these amounts. • Estimated potential DREMA balance for q1* Estimated potential MWRAM balance for q1* REVENUE DEFERRAL $6.5-7M $9.5-11M In accordance with GAAP, we defer revenue and cost related to regulatory balancing accounts not projected to be recovered within 24 months. Accordingly, we deferred an additional $18.8M of revenue, offset by an additional $15.4M of deferred costs, in Q1. *DREMA is an authorized account but the value will be based on final GRC rates. MWRAM was requested in the 2021 GRC and was not disputed by any other party to the proceeding. If approved, its value would also depend on final GRC rates. Ranges are current estimates based on available information and may change as the GRC progresses. Due to the mechanisms' connection to customer billings, first quarter estimates are not necessarily indicative of potential impacts in future quarters. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE GROUP INVESTING FOR LIFE INVESTOR RELATIONS
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