Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model slide image

Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model

OIL SANDS DELIVERING COMPETITIVE RETURNS Best-in-class Oil Sands capital efficiency $ / flowing bbl 14,000 Oil Sands sustaining capital efficiency¹ Capital efficiency today Sunrise future capital efficiency 12,000 10,000 Weighted average of 8,000 ~$7,500 / flowing bbl 2028F 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Christina Lake Foster Creek Lloyd Thermals Sunrise Sustaining capital efficiency average of ~$7,500 per flowing barrel Sustaining capital improvement of ~25% at Sunrise over five-year plan Consistently low finding and development costs² ~$8/bbl Note: See Advisory. 1) Capital efficiency represents sustaining capital divided by peak production. 2) Finding & development costs based on average in-year capital spend divided by average production over the planned period. cenovus ENERGY 29
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