Investor Presentaiton
This presentation may have certain statements that may be "forward looking" including those relating to general business plans
and strategy of Bikaji Foods International Ltd., its outlook and growth prospects. The actual results may differ materially from
these forward-looking statements due to several risks and uncertainties which could include future changes or developments in
Bikaji Foods International Ltd., the competitive environment, the company's ability to implement its strategies and initiatives,
respond to technological changes as well as sociopolitical, economic and regulatory conditions in India.
All financial data in this presentation is obtained from the unaudited/audited financial statements and the various ratios are
calculated based on these data. This presentation does not constitute a prospectus, offering circular or offering memorandum
or an offer, invitation or a solicitation of any offer, to purchase or sell, any shares of Bikaji Foods International Ltd. and should not
be considered or construed in any manner whatsoever as a recommendation that any person should subscribe for or purchase
any of Bikaji Foods International Ltd. shares. None of the projection, expectations, estimates or prospects in this presentation
should be construed as a forecast implying any indicative assurance or guarantee of future performance, nor that the
assumptions on which such future projects, expectations, estimates or prospects have been prepared are complete or
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