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Investor Presentaiton

FPL's strategy continues to result in typical residential bills below both Florida and National averages FPL 1,000-kWh Residential Bill $140 ~$138 -$119 $120 ~$109 -$99 -$101 $100 Good $80 $60 $40 $20 $- FPL 2006 FPL (1) 2018 FPL 2021E FL IOUS (2) Average National (3) Average FPL expects the typical residential bill to remain lower than 2006 levels from 2018 through 2021 13 FL IOUS Avg consists of data from FPL, TECO, Duke Energy Florida, FPUC and Gulf Power; as of April 2018 Source: EEI; National Average as of January 2018 based on reporting utilities 1) Based on a typical 1,000 kWh residential bill for April 2018 23 NEXTera ENERGY
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