Proforma 2023 Guidance and Long-Term Model
Chairman's Message on Q3 2023 Results
Prasad Gundumogula
Founder, Chairman, and
Chief Executive Officer
Mondee's third quarter 2023 ("Q3 23") accomplishments in key areas
were marked by...
Delivered Strong Q3 23 Results
Net Revenue of $54.5M, up 35% from prior-year quarter, and 66% proforma excluding LBF.
Adjusted EBITDA of $5.5M, up 54% from prior-year quarter.
Take Rate of 9.1%, up 35% from prior-year quarter.
External Drivers to Gross Bookings Growth
International leisure travel from North America to China continues to improve.
⚫ The Latin American market remains resilient, while travel to the Middle East may be impacted by recent events.
Mondee's business model is resilient to potential softening of the North American travel market.
Enhancing Al-Powered Travel Marketplace
Expanding distribution to new-era intermediaries, i.e., social-media influencers, freelancers, and concierge services.
Global content hub expansion, including hotels, cruises, and packages.
Innovative Al Acquisition; Focus on Integration and Synergies
Acquisition of Purplegrids for 1.9 million shares, adds a leading Al platform and an elite Al team.
Focusing on integrating recent acquisitions, capitalizing on cross-selling opportunities and synergies, and strengthening
core business and next-gen Al-powered platform.
Other Positive Developments
Inaugural share repurchase program on September 21, 2023.
July divestiture of non-core, non-performing LBF unit, enhancing profitability.
Added to the S&P Total Market Index (TMI) on September 15, 2023.
Transformative rebranding on October 11, 2023.
1 Please refer to the Appendix of this presentation for non-GAAP reconciliation tables.
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